日和:longing for the sea

How Moving to Europe Shifted My Perspectives

Moving to Europe has been an eye-opening journey filled with unexpected changes. From the way I perceive myself to how I interact with others, adapting to a new culture has reshaped my worldview in profound ways.

1. Embracing Skin Color

Back home, where fairness is often associated with beauty, I was very conscious of my skin color. However, in Europe I noticed a stark contrast. Here, being white-skinned doesn't hold the same significance. Instead, diversity is celebrated, and people are more focused on individual character rather than external appearances. This shift has helped me embrace my own skin color without feeling the need to conform to societal beauty standards.

2. Liberating Clothing Choices

In my country, whenever I wear something that shows a bit of skin, or even just something different, I would get uncomfortable stares from men and even some cat-calling. However, in Europe, the attitude towards clothing is refreshingly different. People dress according to their personal style without fear of judgment or harassment. This newfound freedom has allowed me to express myself through fashion without worrying about societal expectations or unwanted advances.

3. Speaking Up and Being Heard

In my culture, respecting elders and authority figures often means staying quiet and refraining from speaking one's mind, especially in confrontational situations. However, in Germany, I learned that, especially in the workplace, speaking up and expressing your opinions is not only encouraged but also essential for effective communication. Holding back your thoughts can be perceived as a lack of engagement or even incompetence. This shift in communication norms has challenged me to become more assertive and confident in expressing myself, ultimately leading to more meaningful interactions and connections with others.

Embracing these changes, I've grown personally and culturally, gaining a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me. While adapting to a new culture can be challenging, I think it also presents invaluable opportunities for self-discovery and growth.
