日和:longing for the sea

Reflections on my past relationship

In my last relationship, I felt like I lost myself. I didn't realize how much being with someone could change me until after we broke up.

At first, it was small things. I dressed differently, wearing more modest clothes and not using my favorite red lipstick because he didn't like it. Slowly, I started changing more to suit him, even if it meant being uncomfortable or not being true to myself.

His habits started affecting me too. I stopped taking care of myself and gained weight. Instead of helping me, he criticized me and wanted me to lose weight to match his ideal image. When I showed my feelings, he saw it as a weakness, which made me feel even worse.

I enjoyed the travels with him the most. He was nice and supportive in a way. But looking back, I see that those moments were rare compared to how he usually was. He made me feel bad about myself.

Getting out of that relationship felt like a breath of fresh air. I was relieved, but also wondered why I didn't do it sooner. Why did I let him stop me from being happy?

Now, I'm rediscovering myself. I won't let anyone else tell me how to look or what to do. I'm being true to myself, wearing clothes that I like, and taking care of my physical and emotional health.

Leaving that relationship was the first step. Now, I'm working on getting rid of the parts of me that were influenced by him. I want to become a stronger, more real version of myself.

日和:longing for the sea
